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Canopy Employee Assistance Program has been selected as a screening site for National Depression Screening Day.

The war with Iraq. The struggling economy. The constant threat of terrorist attacks. The times are uncertain, leaving many Americans feeling helpless, sad, angry, and frightened. At no time in recent history has our nation experienced such a prevailing sense of anxiety and emotional volatility. It is understandable, and even normal for people to feel sad, angry, tense, or irritable, some people have difficulty sleeping or nightmares, but these symptoms should resolve over time. If these symptoms persist or interfere with the person's ability to function normally, professional help should be sought.

For those who may like assistance with their emotional reaction, Canopy Employee Assistance Program will offer free, confidential mental health phone screenings. Callers will talk with a counselor who will provide an assessment with recommendations for treatment and/or resources.

As part of the screening event, attendees can obtain educational information on a range of mental health issues and have the opportunity to talk with a mental health professional. The program is free and completely confidential.

Remember the EAP as a resource. We help people deal with stress before it becomes depression. In addition to counseling employees, the Employee Assistance Program includes consultation for managers so they can spot warning signs of depression among their employees.

Please call Canopy EAP at 503–6 39–3009 or 1–800–433–2320 for an appointment, screening or information.