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Help For The Holiday Blues
Protect Your Pets In Winter Weather
Better First Aid Keeps Minor Injuries From Becoming Major
Exercise Guidelines Update
Develop A Master Calendar For Your Family
How to Use Your EAP

Help For The Holiday Blues

The holidays are just about here again. And with them can come a range of stresses and anxieties, among them: holiday shopping, finances, family stress, mailing seasonal cards, attending parties, and the tendency to neglect everyday routines at this time of year –– such as eating right and exercising. These can lead to the phenomenon known as holiday depression or the holiday blues.....

Protect Your Pets In Winter Weather

Your dog or cat may have a thick, furry coat, but it will be no match for winter weather. Even outdoor dogs should be inside when winds blow or temperatures drop to 20 degrees.....

Better First Aid Keeps Minor Injuries From Becoming Major

Minor cuts and scrapes aren't the stuff of medical dramas. If not treated correctly, they could be. The American Society for Dermatologic Surgery reports that they get more inquiries about ”minor” injuries than about anything else. That's probably because today's infections can be a lot more serious.....

Exercise Guidelines Update

There's some good news for couch potatoes: Even a little activity is better than none. Walk around during TV commercials if nothing else. Many people will not have the time or inclination to follow all of the following recommendations, but doing a little on a regular basis will improve general health and cardiovascular capabilities.....

Develop A Master Calendar For Your Family

A master calendar is a great way to organize your family's chores and activities. Posted in the kitchen or dining room, your family can use the calendar to note a wide variety of appointments, events, and occasions.....

How to Use Your EAP

When help is needed call the office location most convenient for you. The office coordinator will ask for your name, employer and a brief description of your presenting concern. If an emergency exists you will be given immediate assistance. If your situation is not an emergency, you will be offered telephone assistance and/or in–person sessions to complete an assessment and make a referral for treatment if needed.