Canopy, Inc offers a preventative health and wellness program as part of their core Employee Assistance Program.
Currently, EAPs are best known for contributing to cost savings associated with lost productivity and absences by addressing issues such as depression, substance abuse, and mental/emotional problems. Research shows that mental health and physical health are often interrelated. By including this service, Canopy has created a holistic EAP.
“We are very excited to be able to offer personal health coaching as a core service to our members” said Anthony Brown, Vice President of Sales and Marketing for Canopy. “Not only will it help members lead a healthier lifestyle, it will be an additional resource for our employer groups to help reduce employee related expenses, and increase utilization of other EAP services.”
According to the US Department of Health and Human Services, it is estimated that up to 75% of all health care dollars are spent on chronic conditions such as diabetes, obesity, and cardiovascular disease – most of which can be prevented or at least managed. Studies conducted by “Wellness Program Advisor” suggest that Wellness Programs in the work place have been found to reduce company health care costs, improve employee morale, and increase productivity on many levels.
The new program, entitled Canopy Personal Wellness, includes unlimited access to a health coach, online members only website, Health Risk Assessments, discounts to gym memberships, tip sheets, books, monthly wellness related newsletters, and more. Members can access Canopy Personal Wellness for Weight Management, Smoking Cessation, Fitness and Exercise, Prenatal and Postnatal care, Complementary Care, and Health Self Management.
Canopy has been providing EAPs since 1979 and is one of the nations largest privately held EAPs. Canopy's addition of a Wellness Program to their core EAP suggests that EAPs are continuing to evolve as an all encompassing life assistance benefit. The Wellness Program will be another resource to impact modifiable health claims through lifestyle change.
For additional information about Canopy's wellness program as part of their EAP services, or as a stand alone, contact Anthony Brown.
Contact: Anthony Brown
Canopy, Inc