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Past Webinars

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Budgeting: When Income is Uncertain

This webinar covers budgeting tactics, student loan repayment strategies and debt/credit tips that can help during these challenging times. More Info

Coronavirus: What to know about Mortgage Rates, the Housing Market and Refinancing

This webinar covers what is happening in the financial markets, interest rates and the future current housing market. More Info

COVID 19 - Managing Stress and Anxiety During Uncertain Times

The ongoing global news coverage of Coronavirus (COVID-19) can be anxiety producing. This webinar will review steps you can take during these uncertain times.More Info

COVID-19: Providing Leadership During Uncertain Times

Providing leadership during the unprecedented times surrounding COVID-19 can be extraordinarily challenging. This webinar will incorporate practical steps you can take.More Info

Family Stress and Parenting Children Under 12 During COVID-19

As we all adjust to the ”new normal” of social distancing and isolation, we are faced with unique challenges in all aspects of our lives.More Info

Financial Impacts of COVID-19

This webinar discusses financial challenges you may be facing and provides information on current legislation, dealing with loss of income and setting an action plan.More Info

HR and Benefit Managers Supporting Your Employees on the Topic of ID Theft

This webinar goes over EAP benefits available and how to support your employees and their families who've been victims of identity theft.More Info

Investor Education: Managing Your Money in Volatile Markets

We talk about how to focus on your investment plan and future expectations, and worry less about today's markets. More Info

Maintaining Emotional Wellbeing during COVID 19 Outbreak

Fear, stress and anxiety about COVID-19 can be overwhelming. People are coping with rapidly changing information, disruption to daily life and worry about impact both personally and within their communities. This webinar will incorporate practical steps you can take during these uncertain times.More Info

Navigating Your Finances in Unpredictable Times

This webinar discusses the impact of the pandemic on your budget, communicating with loved ones and creditors, tracking your progress, and available resources to help you through these challenging times.More Info

Q & A Forum: Skills for Social Distancing and Isolation During COVID-19

This unique Q & A forum will provide participants access to a Masters Level clinician who can answer questions and provide guidance on social distancing and isolation during COVID–19.More Info

Question and Answer Forum: Work-Life Challenges During COVID-19 #2

This unique Question and Answer forum will provide participants access to a Masters Level clinician who can answer questions and provide guidance on a range of topics.More Info

Stress Management Techniques to Cope with Social Distancing and Isolation

As we all adjust to the new normal of social distancing and isolation, we are faced with new challenges in all aspects of our lives. More Info

Teens and Young Adults and the Unique Challenges They Face During this Pandemic

This webinar gives you and your teens ideas you can utilize during these uncertain times.More Info

Thinking of Buying or Selling a Home During COVID-19?

This webinar discusses market information and what the experts say buyers and sellers need to do. More Info