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Ability to Concentrate Isn’t What It Used to Be?

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Concentration is vital in some professions. Even in our everyday lives, though, we all need to concentrate -- to avoid traffic accidents, to get the job finished, to remember important information.

Quick Start Resolutions for the New Year

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Resolving to lead a healthier lifestyle is a good way to begin the New Year. But don’t despair if you still haven’t confirmed your New Year’s Resolutions; there’s still plenty of time to choose a better path for the year ahead.

12 Ways to Keep The Holidays Stress Free

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The anxiety of having too much to do in too little time, the pressure of unrealistic expectations and the tendency to overeat and overspend can easily overshadow holiday happiness.

Take the Alcohol Quiz

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Nearly 14 million people in the United States -- 1 in every 13 adults -- abuse alcohol or are alcoholic. How much do you know about alcohol use and abuse? Find out by taking this quiz, based on information from the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism.

Caring for Aging Parents

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As more Americans live longer, millions of middle-aged adults find themselves caring for their aging parents. It’s not an easy task, especially for those with children still living at home.

Depression: Understanding the Disorder

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Unlike “the blues,” which tend to clear up in a few days, depression frequently is both prolonged and recurring. It can’t be ignored, and it can’t be joked or whistled away.

Mastering the Principles of Positive Thought

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You can learn to think positively, and doing so can lead to greater self-confidence, more respect for others and achievement of your goals.

Start Some Healthful Holiday Traditions

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The month of December can produce extra stress, a breakdown in healthy eating habits, even depression. But you and your family can adopt some new traditions that may help relieve the season’s stress and make your holidays healthy and happy.

Win With Civility

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Win With Civility – Overcoming Communication Obstacles.
Here are some common communication barriers and ways to overcome them.

Have You Heard? How to Stop Office Gossip

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Have You Heard? How to Stop Office Gossip
If you've been the victim of office gossip, you know it can be both cruel and destructive. Such malicious gossip has shattered many people's lives and careers.

How to Stay Positive in Life in Difficult Times

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How to Stay Positive in Life in Difficult Times
A negative outlook can set in whether it's caused by a stressful event, a job situation or by too much routine.

Helping the Sandwich Generation

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Do you feel squeezed between the demands of caring for young children and tending to your aging parents? Are you neglecting your own needs for personal time because too many people place demands on you? If so, you can consider yourself a member of the “Sandwich Generation, Generation,” a term used to describe working adults who bear caretaking responsibilities for both young and old family members.

Now’s a Good Time to Review Your Financial Habits

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Now's a Good Time to Review Your Financial Habits
As the market continues its gyrations and bad news continues to flow on energy, housing and food prices, it's time for a tune–up of the way you spend, save and plan.

Coping With The Holiday Blues

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Coping with the Holiday Blues
The holidays are a time for tradition, for going home, and for sharing food, gifts, relaxation and good times with family and friends. At least, that's how we all expect the holidays to be.

Many Options for Naming Insurance Beneficiary

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Many Options for Naming Insurance Beneficiary
After you are approved for a life insurance policy, you have a big decision: naming a beneficiary. It's not as simple as it appears to be.

Develop a Career Action Plan

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Develop a Career Action Plan
Change is a fact of life in the workplace. The best insurance you can have is trust in yourself, knowledge of your talents and the ability to tackle new situations with a positive attitude...

How to Set and Achieve Professional Goals

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How to Set and Achieve Professional Goals
If you want to accomplish something instead of drifting aimlessly,you have to set goals. Nowhere is this more relevant than in today's workplace...

Conquer Your Exercise Excuses

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Conquer Your Exercise Excuses: You're too busy. It's raining. You need to make dinner. You need to help your children with their homework. You just don't feel like it.

National Sleep Awareness Week -- March 1 - 8

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Asleep at the wheel? You might not realize you are drowsy.

Take Charge of Your Time

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Take Charge of Your Time: Time is a precious commodity
that's available to all of us in equal parts to use as we choose.