Compassion FatigueCompassion fatigue happens when you care about other people who have been experiencing significant challenges, and you feel or responsible for helping. More Info
Holiday StressHolidays can often become a more stressful than pleasant time. Learn about your stressors and discover how to lower your stress level for a better holiday.More Info
Managing Stress and Anxiety During Uncertain TimesManaging stress and anxiety during periods of uncertainty and constant change in our personal and professional lives can be challenging. More Info
Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction and Self CompassionMindfulness Based Stress Reduction is an evidenced-based intervention that helps with numerous symptoms, including depression and anxiety.More Info
Stress ManagementManaging all of the different stressors in life is a challenge.More Info
Time ManagementThis presentation will discuss and explore basic time-management strategies. More Info
Working in a Changing EnvironmentIn an organizational culture of constant change, adapting can be challenging. More Info