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Live Well Blog

How to Really Listen to Employees

How to Really Listen to Employees Can you tell when someone's listening intently? I can. They're actively engaged, making eye contact, and fully taking in my comments, not thinking about the next thing they're going to say. I know I'm being seen and heard, and the listener respects what I have to say. Employees want to experience the same thing – to be seen, heard, and recognized for their input. Recent  HBR research  demonstrates that experiencing high–quality listening can ...More Info

The Good, the Bad, and the Stressful

Good_Bad_and Stressful Stress is an emotion that we experience a lot, especially in today's world. We don't seem to have enough time to do everything we need to do. We have lots of tasks, and no plan to pursue them. We may feel worry about what we cannot control. In short, there are many reasons why stress is a challenge. Stress is seen as negative. If there was a button that claimed to destroy all stress, most of us would drop kick it. However, stress can be good ...More Info

How to Boost Energy and Confidence at Work

Boost Energy and Confidence at Work A successful company depends on successful employees, and successful employees depend on successful engagement.  When an employee isn't engaged, they're minimizing their company's potential by not maximizing their own. When engagement is down, employers falsely jump to external solutions; social gatherings, swag bags, and office arcades are superficial bandages and not long–term solutions. This is where award–winning career coach, author, motivational speaker, ...More Info

Tried Everything and Still Over Scheduling? Try these Proven Time Management Tips

Tried Everything and Still Over Scheduling I've been known as a perpetual over–scheduler for much of my professional life. I'm not sharing this to gain your sympathy, or to impress you. I agree emphatically with  Brene Brown  who says we need to give up exhaustion as a status symbol. But even for the most mindful, doing less is easier said than done. Technology has made us available 24×7 and although every device still comes with an off button, many people find it hard to sign off at the ...More Info

Miscommunication: Why Does it Happen?

Miscommunication-Why Does it Happen Communication, thanks to technology, has been easier, and yet it seems harder at the same time. There is so much room for miscommunication, which involves someone misinterpreting something you've said. At best, miscommunications can lead to funny stories. At worst, miscommunications can ruin relationships and cause trouble. You know what you said and you made it as clear as crystal, so why does the other person pretend that they didn't hear it? Here ...More Info

Feel Cared About

Feel Cared About
Everyone knows what it's like to care about someone. Remember being with a friend, a mate, a pet: you feel warmly connected, and want him or her not to suffer and to be happy. On the other hand, you've probably had the sense, one time or another, of not being cared about. That you didn't matter to another person, or to a group of people. Maybe they weren't actively against you, but they sure weren't for you. ...
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More Consciousness. Less Feedback

Rat race. It's a phrase we all know, and its origins began in a lab, centuries ago, as rats raced through a maze to be the first to get the cheese. It seems so archaic, and yet, the analogy is still true today, and that's a problem. According to award–winning author, speaker, and executive educator Carol Sanford, the rats aren't the problem; it's the cheese. It's what employees are racing to get and how they feel they must compete with each other and rely on ...More Info

How to be Mindful at Work

Mindfulness has become a popular subject, and for a good reason. It involves being aware of the present and keeping any distractions or self–defeating thoughts out of your head. Many who have tried mindfulness swear by its health benefits, from sleeping better to even reducing your risk of disease. If you have a 9–5 grind, being mindful at work is a challenge. Luckily, it's one that you can do by practicing some mindfulness at work. ...More Info

Managing Means Continuous Learning

Management Means Continuous Learning Many first–time managers are thrown into their new roles with little or no preparation. If you're one of them, hopefully you thrive on developing others and leading a team. With minimal (to no) training and the desire to get good fast, you're probably looking for tips to help you improve your managerial skills. Even if you're a seasoned manager, there's always plenty to learn. Here are four of my all–time favorite books and articles, with practical advice for ...More Info

Raising Self-esteem for Better Health and Fulfillment

Raising Self-esteem Live Well blog Most of us would agree that there are cultural and socioeconomic barriers in life. Some people have grown up in environments whereas children they were told they would succeed, contribute to society, and live an abundant life. This is a wonderful formula when moving from childhood into adulthood. However, many people have grown up in environments with indifference and abuse, and struggle to find a positive sense of self. Their homes may have lacked in support, security, ...More Info
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