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Canopy Live Well Blog

The Trip from Self to Less

Meditation As a meditation professional and passionate advocate of the practice, I am forever asking myself and students: Who Am I, Who Am I, Who Am I? This central question to most meditation lineages is one that is meant to evoke curiosity til the end of life and time. What happens, however whether from guilt or altruism, we begin to question less Who Am I but rather Am I Selfish? Is all this inward focus, too self-centered? Indeed, meditation is a very personal, ...More Info

Just One Thing: Pay Attention

Why? Moment to moment, the flows of thoughts and feelings, sensations and desires, and conscious and unconscious processes sculpt your nervous system like water gradually carving furrows and eventually gullies on a hillside. Your brain is continually changing its structure. The only question is: Is it for better or worse? In particular, because of what's called “experience–dependent neuroplasticity,” whatever you hold in attention has a special power to ...More Info

Bringing Energy into the Workplace

Bringing Energy into the Workplace A successful company depends on successful employees, and successful employees depend on successful engagement. When an employee isn’t engaged, they’re minimizing their company’s potential by not maximizing their own. When engagement is down, employers falsely jump to external solutions; social gatherings, swag bags, and office arcades are superficial bandages and not long-term solutions. This is where award-winning career coach, author, motivational ...More Info

Food for Whole Body Health

Our minds and bodies rely on a balance of nutrient–dense food for optimal health. However, the average American diet is made up of sixty percent processed food, and dreadfully lacking in nutrients. To help us better understand how the body uses the food we consume, we need to understand the connection between nutrients and human physiology. The human body has an internal communication system, which is facilitated through neurons and neurotransmitters. Neurotransmitters ...More Info

I Thought I Built a Great Culture, What Happened

I Thought I Built a Great Culture As an executive coach and HR professional I work with leaders every day who experience wins and losses, sometimes minutes apart. They face failures big and small, and the most confident have learned to reframe those failures as learning – fail fast, fail well – and move on. Stats vary, but current research shows that over 60% of new managers don't receive any training to prepare them for their new roles. Those same untrained managers become ...More Info

What Are You Waiting For? Procrastination: Why We Do It and How to Overcome the Tendency

Procrastination True confession: I procrastinated on writing this article on procrastination. The irony is funny, right? Actually, it is proof positive that we all procrastinate now and then; some more often than we'd like to admit. As a Productivity Consultant, I love to share my “human” moments with clients and workshop participants to show that I understand what they go through and have learned lessons along the way that I practice and teach to be more organized and productive. ...More Info

When Should You Invest in Management and Leadership Training

When Should You Invest in Management and Leadership Training Like a beloved schoolteacher, the memory of a great boss can stay with you for a lifetime. The way they motivated you, brought out the best of your talent and helped you reach your greatest potential. Alternately, you'll never forget the leader who prevented you from reaching your professional goals. Whether they lacked coaching skills to motivate you or neglected to offer constructive criticism to improve your performance, their behavior had a lasting impact ...More Info

Why You Need an Eldercare Advisor

Why You Need an Eldercare Advisor It's hard watching your loved one age. Suddenly it becomes clear that mom or dad can no longer live on their own, as their safety and well–being are at risk. As seniors are less able to stay home because of safety or security concerns, many families are caught in a position where they don't know which direction to turn. Senior care and senior living are a rapidly changing landscape of options, and the choices available to the average person looking for a new ...More Info

Digital Detachment

Digital Detachment We live in an age of unrestrained technological growth. As a result, our digital consumption has left many of us feeling isolated and unfulfilled. On March 1, 2019 many people will pause to acknowledge National Day of Unplugging, which is a 24–hour global respite from technology (sundown to sundown, March 1–2). This respite is to remind us to reconnect with each other, nature and ourselves. On average, Americans spend more than half of their waking lives staring ...More Info

Mindfulness for Your Health

Mindfulness for Your Health Mindfulness is a practice that starts small and works up to all day every day moments. Slowing down and taking time to be in the moment becomes a habit. Some people I coach have a perception that mindfulness is passive practice—a reaction to the world happening around them as a docile spectator. The truth is mindfulness is an assertive lifestyle behavior. It is a decision to become more aware of the nuances in life, and to actively seek out those moments with deep ...More Info
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