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Live Well Blog

Love Someone

Love Someone_Live Well blog Sometimes something happens. Perhaps your sweet old cat takes a turn for the worse, or there's a money problem, or your son waves goodbye as he gets on a plane to start college on the other side of the country. Sometimes it's on a larger scale: maybe there's been an election and you're grappling with its consequences (see my other post on this topic: (See my other post on this topic: Take Heart.) Or you might be dealing with something ongoing, like a dead–end job (or no job at ...More Info

Anger - A Misunderstood Emotion

Anger is quite misunderstood. It's an emotion associated with those who have lost control. Those who are dangerous. Those who are irrational. And there are some legitimate reasons to think that. Those who can't control their anger do need to seek help in order to make managing anger better for them. With that said, some anger is good, and it's often misunderstood. Here's why.
Anger is not violence
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10 Ways to Support Your Partner

10 Ways to Support Your Partner For couples who have children here's a top ten list (in no particular order) of ways to support your partner. This article was adapted from the book Mother Nurture by Rick Hanson, Ph.D., Jan Hanson, M.S. and Ricki Pollycove, M.D.
Take initiative with the kids.
When a child has a need or a problem, dive in. For example, you be the one to tend to your child in a restaurant. If your partner offers a suggestion, take in ...
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Recalibrate Your Work-Life Balance with These 4 Questions

Recalibrate Your Work-Life Balance For many of us, home and work hold nearly equal importance. We want to be great parents, attentive friends, and stellar employees simultaneously, so we're constantly on the move, trying not to let one facet of our lives suffer for another. When business owner and writer James Sudakow found himself in this position, worn out from his efforts, he knew something had to change. His newest book,  Out of the Blur: A Delirious Dad’s Search for the Holy Grail of Work-Life Balance, details what he discovered about himself and ...More Info

Manage Up Like a Pro

Manage Up Like a Pro Everyone wants a good relationship with their manager, but no one wants to feel like the teacher's pet. Throughout your career, you'll work for many managers with different styles, preferences, and personalities. I had seven different managers at one company, and in every place I worked I've changed managers at least once during my first year. Figuring out how to please your boss can sometimes feel like solving a 1,000 piece puzzle, wearing a blindfold. I saw one ...More Info

Strategies to Fight Procrastination

Are you a self–proclaimed procrastinator looking to reverse the cycle of waiting until the last minute to get things done? It's good that you're reading this article then. There's nothing worse than knowing you are struggling but not knowing how to resolve it. We say GO FOR IT . Face the fear of failure (or fear of success). Take a risk, ask for help if you need it, but make progress, move forward and decide that today is the day. Try out these strategies to become ...More Info

Introducing Equity into The Workplace

The opportunities afforded by an equitable workplace motivate employees to achieve, setting the stage for a dynamic, motivated company culture. It's no wonder why companies are chomping at the bit to roll out their equity programs, and employees are hungry for a culture shift. When implementing an equity program into the workplace, leadership can't just throw around trendy buzzwords and expect an overnight change. When introducing this topic, it must be done with ...More Info

15 Ways to Feel Good

With some simple strategies, you can hardwire more happiness, love and wisdom into your brain, and thus your life: 1. Know That You Can Change Your Brain for the Better In order to learn, we have to change something in the nervous system, especially the brain. If, for example, we want to cheer ourselves up, we may think about something that makes us feel good – but this doesn't result in lasting change. To achieve lasting change, says Dr. Hanson, we must ...More Info

5 Ways to Give your Team an Energy Boost

5 Ways to Give your Team an Energy Boost As we power through our day–to–day work, we can sometimes lose steam in the monotony or intensity of tasks. Even when teams are succeeding, it's nice to reward people with a little something extra. As leaders, it's important to remember to recognize our teams, not only for their productivity, but also to keep them engaged and keep morale up. What follows are five ways to give your team the energy boost they need today. Show Appreciation A recent study ...More Info

Just One Thing: Say Thanks

What do you feel when someone thanks you for something? For a comment in a meeting, a task done at home, an extra step taken, an encouraging word. You probably feel seen, appreciated, that you matter to the other person. Maybe a little startled, maybe wondering if you really deserve it, but also glad. Personally, this is how it is for me. Turning it around, when you say ”thank you” to someone, it's a small moment ...
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