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Resource Articles

Anxiety is familiar to everyone due to the many stresses and complexities of modern life. But about 25 percent of U.S. adults have a serious problem with anxiety at some time in their lives. More Info
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Suicide Awareness and Prevention

September is National Suicide Prevention Month, a time when companies, schools, non-profits, other groups, and communities unite to highlight mental health advocacy, allyship for survivors, and promote suicide prevention

How to be Mindful at Work

Mindfulness has become a popular subject, and for a good reason. It involves being aware of the present and keeping any distractions or self-defeating thoughts out of your head. Many who have tried mindfulness swear by its health benefits, from sleeping better to even reducing your risk of disease.

Anger - A Misunderstood Emotion

Anger is quite misunderstood. It's an emotion associated with those who have lost control. Those who are dangerous. Those who are irrational. And there are some legitimate reasons to think that. Those who can't control their anger do need to seek help in order to make managing anger better for them.

Don’t Let Anxiety Control Your Life

Anxiety is familiar to everyone due to the many stresses and complexities of modern life. But about 25 percent of U.S. adults have a serious problem with anxiety at some time in their lives.

Strategies for Building Resilience

Resilience is the ability to adapt well in the face of adversity, trauma, tragedy or significant stress. Resilient people don't dwell on failures; they acknowledge the situation, learn from their mistakes, and then move forward.

Are You Stressed Out or Burned Out? How to Avoid Career Burnout.

Many of us have been there: a stressful workday turns into a hectic month, which turns into a rough year, which turns into physical and mental exhaustion.

How to Take the Stress Out of Asking for What You Want

Have you ever felt anxious or stressed out asking for what you want? Does the fear of rejection or looking bad hold you back from landing that sale, asking for a date, or requesting a raise? If so, you are not alone.

Stress 101: The Basics

Stress is something that touches us all, sometimes more forcefully than others. But what exactly is stress? And more importantly, what do you do about it? Stress can be defined as a state of bodily or mental tension resulting from factors that tend to alter an existent equilibrium.

Characteristics of Resiliency


We define resilience as the process of bouncing back from adversity. The concept is a paradox that encompasses the emotional distress and the enduring strength that can result from struggling with hardship.

Resiliency: Outcomes of Resiliency


We define survivor's pride as the well-deserved feeling of accomplishment that results from prevailing against hardship or adversity. It is a bittersweet mixture of pain and triumph that is usually under the surface, but is sometimes readily visible in many youth and adults who have overcome difficult circumstances.

Don’t Let Anxiety Control Your Life

EAP Navigator

Anxiety is familiar to everyone due to the many stresses and complexities of modern life. But about 25 percent of US adults have a serious problem with anxiety at some time in their lives.



In this issue: Don't Let Anxiety Control Your Life, Everyday Ways to Activate Your Life, Sun Safety, Stay Fit While Away, Eating Healthy While Traveling, Healthy Restaurant Choices, How to Use Your EAP

12 Ways to Keep The Holidays Stress Free

EAP Navigator

The anxiety of having too much to do in too little time, the pressure of unrealistic expectations and the tendency to overeat and overspend can easily overshadow holiday happiness.



IN THIS ISSUE: Don't Let Anxiety Control Your Life, Tips For Staying Healthy And Safe At Work, Check Your Debt Level With The 50–30–20 Formula, Summer Camps, How to Use Your EAP


IN THIS ISSUE: Offbeat Ways to Eat Better, Exercise More, Generalized Anxiety, Financial Corner, How to Use Your EAP

Career Development

How prepared are you for planning and conducting an effective job search? Successful job seekers must have both good information and well-developed job hunting skills. Three important factors for a successful job search are an awareness of your goals and skills, an understanding of the labor market, and a well planned job search campaign.
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Parent Support

From Newborn to Empty Nest

Learn how you can access parenting resources, information and support.

Eldercare Services

Solutions to the aging needs of our parents and ourselves.

Why You Need an Eldercare Advisor

It's hard watching your loved one age. Suddenly it becomes clear that mom or dad can no longer live on their own, as their safety and well–being are at risk. As seniors are less able to stay home because of safety or security concerns, many families are caught in a position where they don't know which direction to turn.

Caregiving Support Tips

EAP Navigator

Learn ways to easy the burden of caregiving.

The First Step: Discussing the Need for Long-Term Care

EAP Navigator

Talking to your loved ones about long term care can be difficult. Read more about helpful ways to start a conversation that will help establish a plan for you and your family.

Raising an Emotionally Intelligent Child

Discover what your emotional parenting style is and learn steps to developing emotional intelligence.

Caring for Aging Parents

EAP Navigator

As more Americans live longer, millions of middle-aged adults find themselves caring for their aging parents. It’s not an easy task, especially for those with children still living at home.

Helping the Sandwich Generation

EAP Navigator

Do you feel squeezed between the demands of caring for young children and tending to your aging parents? Are you neglecting your own needs for personal time because too many people place demands on you? If so, you can consider yourself a member of the “Sandwich Generation, Generation,” a term used to describe working adults who bear caretaking responsibilities for both young and old family members.
Childcare callout

Childcare Services

Information and resources for childcare, education, parenting, and adoption information.


Volume 19, Issue 3

IN THIS ISSUE: Depression Screening Day,Kids Who Rule The Roost,‘The Number', A Satisfying Life, Caring For An Elderly Parent, How To Use Your EAP
Title Date

Enhancing Communication for Healthy Relationships

There are many ingredients to healthy relationships, but it isn’t always easy to maintain balance within those relationships. Consider focusing on a few specific areas which support social connection and healthy relationships.

How to Build Confidence That Lasts - What You Need to Know

Drop The "Shoulds"

It's natural to move toward what feels good and away from what doesn't, natural as well to have values, principles, and morals. But when these healthy inclinations become internal rules – "shoulds," "musts," and "gottas" – then there is a big problem.

Miscommunication: Why Does it Happen?

Communication, thanks to technology, has been easier, and yet it seems harder at the same time. There is so much room for miscommunication, which involves someone misinterpreting something you've said.

Creative Communication: 10 Tips For Professionals


1. Actively listen. Paraphrase important or confusing messages from others to be sure you're hearing what they're trying to communicate. Ask clarifying questions

Styles of Communication

EAP Navigator

There’s a lot more to communicating than just knowing how to string words together and provide straight-forward answers to questions. It’s important to recognize that there are many different ways to communicate and that each way is dependent upon the individual.

Win With Civility

EAP Navigator

Win With Civility – Overcoming Communication Obstacles.
Here are some common communication barriers and ways to overcome them.

Personal Goals For Improving Skills in Face to Face Communication


This is to help you think about how you communicate with others in face to face situations. You can use it to set your own personal goals for improvement in 5 steps.

Communication Skills


An important communication skill involves giving and receiving feedback, i.e., sharing impressions and reactions of the other person's behavior. The purpose of this learning activity is to suggest guidelines for giving and receiving feedback.

Drugs and Alcohol

Resource Articles

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Alcohol Abuse: Deciding to Get Help

Drugs and Alcohol

How can you tell whether you, or someone close to you, may have a drinking problem? Answering the following four questions can help you find out. (To help remember these questions, note that the first letter of a key word in each of the four questions spells "CAGE.")

Alcohol and Drug Addiction

EAP Navigator

Learn about the signs of substance abuse.

Be a Quitter


The American Cancer Society has scheduled the Great American Smokeout (GASO) for November 20, 2008, to encourage smokers to quit for a day in the hope they may quit for good.

Crystal Methamphetamine Epidemic


Canopy, Inc Employee Assistance Program (EAP) supports the effort of confronting the Methamphetamine epidemic.

Figure on These Factors When Drinking Alcohol

EAP Navigator

Read about the factors that can help you keep a confident check on your blood-alcohol content.

Get the Facts on Alcohol Use

Drugs and Alcohol

For many people, the facts about alcoholism are not clear. What is alcoholism, exactly? How does it differ from alcohol abuse? When should a person seek help for a problem related to his or her drinking?

Get the Facts on Ecstasy

Drugs and Alcohol

MDMA is a synthetic, psychoactive drug with both stimulant (amphetamine-like) and hallucinogenic (LSD-like) properties. Street names for MDMA include Ecstasy, Adam, XTC, hug, beans, and love drug. Its chemical structure (3-4 methylenedioxymethamphetamine, "MDMA) is similar to methamphetamine,

Get the Facts on Inhalants

Drugs and Alcohol

Inhalants are breathable chemical vapors that produce psychoactive (mind-altering) effects. Although people are exposed to volatile solvents and other inhalants in the home and in the workplace, many do not think of inhalable substances as drugs because most of them were never meant to be used in that way.

Get the Facts on Methamphetamines

Drugs and Alcohol

Methamphetamine is a powerfully addictive stimulant that dramatically affects the central nervous system. The drug is made easily in clandestine laboratories with relatively inexpensive over-the-counter ingredients.

Helping the Body and Mind Recover from a Chemical Dependency

EAP Navigator

When you restore your physical and mental self, you will get more of your life back, chemical-free. Read on for information on how you or a loved one can make a full recovery.

Is Addiction Impacting Your Life?

Your Employee Assistant Program (EAP) is available to offer completely confidential help

Prescription Drug Abuse and Misuse

Read about information on prescription drug abuse and how your EAP can help the addicted person and their families.

Recognize the Patterns of Alcoholism

EAP Navigator

Read about how to recognize the patterns of alcohol and how to get help.

Safe Driving: Canopy Will Reimburse for a Taxi/Share Ride

Canopy aims to deter individuals from driving impaired and will reimburse for a Taxi/Share ride during the month of December.

Signs of Alcohol and Drug Addiction

EAP Navigator

Learn about the symptoms of substance abuse and how the EAP can help you if you feel you or a loved one has a problem with alcohol and drug addiction.

Substance Abuse Awareness

Canopy Employee Assistance Program (EAP) offers confidential services related to drug and alcohol addiction.

Take the Alcohol Quiz

EAP Navigator

Nearly 14 million people in the United States -- 1 in every 13 adults -- abuse alcohol or are alcoholic. How much do you know about alcohol use and abuse? Find out by taking this quiz, based on information from the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism.

Tobacco Cessation World Quit Day


If you have tried to quit smoking, you know how hard it can be. It is hard because nicotine is a very addictive drug. For some people, it can be as addictive as heroin or cocaine.

Title Date

Eldercare Services

Solutions to the aging needs of our parents and ourselves.

Why You Need an Eldercare Advisor

It's hard watching your loved one age. Suddenly it becomes clear that mom or dad can no longer live on their own, as their safety and well–being are at risk. As seniors are less able to stay home because of safety or security concerns, many families are caught in a position where they don't know which direction to turn.

Caregiving Support Tips

EAP Navigator

Learn ways to easy the burden of caregiving.

Top 5 Reasons to Have a Will

EAP Navigator

Read about 5 important reasons that you should have a will.

Stress and the Developing Brain


It is well known that the early months and years of life are critical for brain development. But the question remains: just how do early influences act on the brain to promote or challenge the developmental process?

Stress Hormone Levels in Women Reduced During Lactation


Women who breast-feed their infants produce lower levels of stress response hormones than do women who bottle-feed, according to research conducted by the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH).

The Myth of the Bad Parent


We've all seen it: a little girl throwing a fit in the bread aisle or a little boy kicking and...

Setting Limits within the Family Setting


When we, as parents, think of limit setting, we may fail to remember the obvious: setting and enforcing limits...

Family Meeting


One effective, yet often overlooked, parenting tool is family meetings...
Childcare callout

Childcare Services

Information and resources for childcare, education, parenting, and adoption information.


Volume 14, Issue 1

IN THIS ISSUE: Parent's Best Goal, Identity Theft, Emotional Maturity, The Resilience Factor, You and Your Money, How to Use Your EAP
Title Date

10 Reasons to Keep Fit as You Age

EAP Navigator

Read about the importance of making physical activity a part of your everyday life.

15 Ways to Feel Good

With some simple strategies, you can hardwire more happiness, love and wisdom into your brain, and thus your life.

5 Healthy Habits that Can Help Prolong Your Life

EAP Navigator

Read about tips for incorporating healthy habits into your life.

5 Healthy Morning Habits in 15 Minutes or Less

If your mornings are met with less than enthusiasm, you're not alone. The average working American wakes up, hits the snooze button (a few times), checks email and Internet, skips breakfast and grabs to–go coffee before heading out on a grueling morning commute.

6 Tips for Improving Your Sleep

EAP Navigator

Read about tips to help you get a good night's rest.

Ability to Concentrate Isn’t What It Used to Be?

EAP Navigator

Concentration is vital in some professions. Even in our everyday lives, though, we all need to concentrate -- to avoid traffic accidents, to get the job finished, to remember important information.

Be a Quitter


The American Cancer Society has scheduled the Great American Smokeout (GASO) for November 20, 2008, to encourage smokers to quit for a day in the hope they may quit for good.

Conquer Your Exercise Excuses

EAP Navigator - Flashmail

Conquer Your Exercise Excuses: You're too busy. It's raining. You need to make dinner. You need to help your children with their homework. You just don't feel like it.

Debunking Dieting Myths

Did you ever wonder why diets don't seem to work? That even when you lose weight it seems to come back, maybe with a few extra pounds? This training explores the biology and research behind our bodies' resistance to weight loss.

Don’t Let Anxiety Control Your Life

Anxiety is familiar to everyone due to the many stresses and complexities of modern life. But about 25 percent of U.S. adults have a serious problem with anxiety at some time in their lives.

Don’t Let Anxiety Control Your Life

EAP Navigator

Anxiety is familiar to everyone due to the many stresses and complexities of modern life. But about 25 percent of US adults have a serious problem with anxiety at some time in their lives.

Exercise Goals for Healthy Living

Do you feel it's important to stay active but still find yourself falling back on old habits? Read on for tips on how to develop goals and create an exercise plan that works for you.

Food and Mood

What we eat and how we feel is closely related. In this webinar we will explore how food impacts your energy, productivity and mood.

Food for Whole Body Health

Why does healthy food matter? Healthy food provides our bodies nutrients, and nutrients are essential to manufacture neurotransmitters. Without key nutrients our neurotransmitters suffer and our mental and physical health are negatively affected.

Free Yourself from Sugar Dependence

While there is much to celebrate as we start the new year, there may also be anxiety around resolutions to eat healthier or lose weight.

Heart Health

February is American Heart Month and to increase awareness Canopy is offering a free webinar.

How to Achieve Your Exercise Goals

EAP Navigator

Learn tips on how to help you succeed with your fitness goals.

Maintain Don’t Gain


Eating Healthy with the Season: The shorter days and colder weather tend to make us want to bundle up and treat ourselves with comfort foods which typically aren't the healthiest or lowest in calories.

Making Your Lifestyle Heart Healthy

EAP Navigator

Learn how to live a healthy life style and reduce your risk for heart disease.

Mindfulness for Your Health

Mindfulness is a practice that starts small and works up to all day every day moments.
Title Date

During the month of July we want you to be aware of our Fraud Resolution & Identity Theft Services

In the event of an identity theft or fraud related event, Canopy’s Fraud Resolutions Specialists provide both affordable and expedient assistance

Estate Planning and Legal Support

Legal consultations, downloadable legal forms, and more.

Free Simple Will Kit Questionnaire

Find out how Canopy can help you with Estate Planning and creating a will.

Identity Theft

Receive up to a 60–minute free consultation with a highly–trained Fraud Resolutions Specialists™ (FRS).

Legal and Identity Theft Resources

Access our Enhanced Legal and Identity Theft Resource Center

Many Options for Naming Insurance Beneficiary

EAP Navigator - Flashmail

Many Options for Naming Insurance Beneficiary
After you are approved for a life insurance policy, you have a big decision: naming a beneficiary. It's not as simple as it appears to be.

Self Defense Against Identity Theft
Part One: What To Do if You Are a Victim


If you discover that you have been a victim of identity theft, the following steps will help get you on the right track to keeping or restoring your good name:

Self Defense Against Identity Theft,
Part Three: Computers and Foiling Identity Thieves Away From Home


Over the past few years the number of people using the internet to conduct business, make purchases, and pay bills has skyrocketed. Unfortunately, so has the number of people looking to steal your information online. The following are tips to protect yourself.

Self Defense Against Identity Theft,
Part Two: Protecting Your Identity at Home


For most of us, our homes are our refuge where we feel a sense of peace and safety. However, more and more ID thieves are stealing our mail and using information gained over the telephone to gather information about us. The ID thieves then use the information to steal our identity and ruin our name and credit.

Top 5 Reasons to Have a Will

EAP Navigator

Read about 5 important reasons that you should have a will.

Mental Health

Good mental health is just as important as good physical health. But we all face changes in life that can challenge our emotional well–being.

Whatever happens in your life, make your mental health a priority. You'll feel better and deal with stress better.
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Suicide Awareness and Prevention

September is National Suicide Prevention Month, a time when companies, schools, non-profits, other groups, and communities unite to highlight mental health advocacy, allyship for survivors, and promote suicide prevention

The Truth About the Stages of Grief

Grief is not a linear timeline, but instead a whirlpool of emotions, some of them reoccurring. Understanding the stages of grief can help manage the various emotions that come up.

The Good, the Bad, and the Stressful

Stress is an emotion that we experience a lot, especially in today's world. We don't seem to have enough time to do everything we need to do. We have lots of tasks, and no plan to pursue them. We may feel worry about what we cannot control. In short, there are many reasons why stress is a challenge.

Feel Cared About

Everyone knows what it’s like to care about someone. Remember being with a friend, a mate, a pet: you feel warmly connected, and want him or her not to suffer and to be happy.

How to be Mindful at Work

Mindfulness has become a popular subject, and for a good reason. It involves being aware of the present and keeping any distractions or self-defeating thoughts out of your head. Many who have tried mindfulness swear by its health benefits, from sleeping better to even reducing your risk of disease.

Raising Self-esteem for Better Health and Fulfillment

Most of us would agree that there are cultural and socioeconomic barriers in life. Some people have grown up in environments whereas children they were told they would succeed, contribute to society, and live an abundant life.

Anger - A Misunderstood Emotion

Anger is quite misunderstood. It's an emotion associated with those who have lost control. Those who are dangerous. Those who are irrational. And there are some legitimate reasons to think that. Those who can't control their anger do need to seek help in order to make managing anger better for them.

15 Ways to Feel Good

With some simple strategies, you can hardwire more happiness, love and wisdom into your brain, and thus your life.

Taming our Cynicism

We may never fully understand why humans behave the way they do. However, cynicism can keep us from connecting and experiencing genuine loving relationships. We have control over our own perspectives, and how we choose to behave during difficult experiences.

The Trip from Self to Less

As a meditation professional and passionate advocate of the practice, I am forever asking myself and students: Who Am I, Who Am I, Who Am I? This central question to most meditation lineages is one that is meant to evoke curiosity til the end of life and time.

Just One Thing: Pay Attention

Moment to moment, the flows of thoughts and feelings, sensations and desires, and conscious and unconscious processes sculpt your nervous system like water gradually carving furrows and eventually gullies on a hillside. Your brain is continually changing its structure. The only question is: Is it for better or worse?

Whole-Person Wellbeing

Learn more about a holistic approach to wellness and how your EAP benefit can improve your quality of life.

Digital Detachment

On average, Americans spend more than half of their waking lives staring at a screen. This type of technology fixation has been linked to a number of negative health effects, both physical and emotional.

Mindfulness for Your Health

Mindfulness is a practice that starts small and works up to all day every day moments.

The Healing Power of Forgiveness

If you've ever been harmed by someone you understand how difficult it can be to offer forgiveness. Forgiveness is a commitment, and the process may bring feelings and emotions to the surface.

Five Tips for Bringing Happiness into Your Life

According to Aristotle, happiness “is the meaning and the purpose of life, the whole aim and end of human existence.”

How You Can Help Prevent Suicide

With mental health awareness on the rise in workplaces across the country, colleagues and supervisors are in a unique position to respond to signs of distress and provide support. I

5 Simple Ways to Practice Mindfulness

Mindfulness is a learned skill where we deliberately focus and pay attention to what is happening in the present moment without judgment or criticism.

Don’t Let Anxiety Control Your Life

Anxiety is familiar to everyone due to the many stresses and complexities of modern life. But about 25 percent of U.S. adults have a serious problem with anxiety at some time in their lives.

Optimize Your Energy to Increase Your Productivity

On this episode, professional organizer Debbie Rosemont discusses work life harmony and using the SAVERS acronym for getting into the correct mind set to start your day off right.
Title Date

Avoiding Burnout

Learn about tools to help prevent burnout and regain your balance again.

Behavioral Coaching

Strategy sessions with a qualified mental health professional that provides you with support to improve your life and relationships.

5 Podcasts About Women at Work to Change How You Show Up

Three Myths about High Achievers in the Workplace

Maki Moussavi breaks down 3 myths regarding achieving success and how to feel truly fulfilled by your work.

Drop The "Shoulds"

It's natural to move toward what feels good and away from what doesn't, natural as well to have values, principles, and morals. But when these healthy inclinations become internal rules – "shoulds," "musts," and "gottas" – then there is a big problem.

The One Attribute Leaders Need to Thrive

What I believe is at leadership’s core is authenticity. It is geography, industry, and situation agnostic. A leaders’ willingness and ability to stick to his or her core values directly affects how they respond in difficult situations, during uncertain times, and when stakes are high.

Hold Wants Lightly

Getting caught up in wanting – wanting both to get what's pleasant and to avoid what's unpleasant – is a major source of suffering and harm for oneself and others.

How to Boost Energy and Confidence at Work

A successful company depends on successful employees, and successful employees depend on successful engagement.  When an employee isn't engaged, they're minimizing their company's potential by not maximizing their own.

Tried Everything and Still Over Scheduling? Try these Proven Time Management Tips

I’ve been known as a perpetual over-scheduler for much of my professional life. I’m not sharing this to gain your sympathy, or to impress you. I agree emphatically with Brene Brown who says we need to give up exhaustion as a status symbol. But even for the most mindful, doing less is easier said than done.

More Consciousness. Less Feedback

Rat race. It's a phrase we all know, and its origins began in a lab, centuries ago, as rats raced through a maze to be the first to get the cheese. It seems so archaic, and yet, the analogy is still true today, and that's a problem.

How to be Mindful at Work

Mindfulness has become a popular subject, and for a good reason. It involves being aware of the present and keeping any distractions or self-defeating thoughts out of your head. Many who have tried mindfulness swear by its health benefits, from sleeping better to even reducing your risk of disease.

Managing Means Continuous Learning

Many first–time managers are thrown into their new roles with little or no preparation. If you're one of them, hopefully you thrive on developing others and leading a team. With minimal (to no) training and the desire to get good fast, you're probably looking for tips to help you improve your managerial skills. Even if you're a seasoned manager, there's always plenty to learn.

Manage Up Like a Pro

Managers are people too! They are imperfect and need people to lean in. Even when you may be frustrated, do your best to step into their shoes and try and understand their actions, and what they may have going on.

How You Can Help Prevent Suicide

With mental health awareness on the rise in workplaces across the country, colleagues and supervisors are in a unique position to respond to signs of distress and provide support. I

Personal Development IS Career Development

Personal development is intensely important to one's professional path regardless of one's specific career goals.

Optimize Your Energy to Increase Your Productivity

On this episode, professional organizer Debbie Rosemont discusses work life harmony and using the SAVERS acronym for getting into the correct mind set to start your day off right.

10 Tips for Improving Your Listening Skills

EAP Navigator

Read about tips that can help you improve your listening skills.


This seminar will first provide a brief review of stress, what it is and how it affects us.

Depression Awareness

Many of us are touched directly or indirectly by depression. Learn about what depression is, symptoms of depression, and different treatment options.

Building Personal Resilience

When illness, relocation, conflict, or any other hardships befall us, we often feel unprepared to make adjustments needed to “weather the storm.” Why are some of us more capable of adapting to sudden changes and misfortune than others?
Title Date

Domestic Violence

It's not easy to end any relationship, whether abuse is involved or not. However, if you or someone you know is currently experiencing or have experienced abuse in an intimate relationship, support is available.

Find Stillness

The Truth About the Stages of Grief

Grief is not a linear timeline, but instead a whirlpool of emotions, some of them reoccurring. Understanding the stages of grief can help manage the various emotions that come up.

Hold Wants Lightly

Getting caught up in wanting – wanting both to get what's pleasant and to avoid what's unpleasant – is a major source of suffering and harm for oneself and others.

The Good, the Bad, and the Stressful

Stress is an emotion that we experience a lot, especially in today's world. We don't seem to have enough time to do everything we need to do. We have lots of tasks, and no plan to pursue them. We may feel worry about what we cannot control. In short, there are many reasons why stress is a challenge.

Feel Cared About

Everyone knows what it’s like to care about someone. Remember being with a friend, a mate, a pet: you feel warmly connected, and want him or her not to suffer and to be happy.

Raising Self-esteem for Better Health and Fulfillment

Most of us would agree that there are cultural and socioeconomic barriers in life. Some people have grown up in environments whereas children they were told they would succeed, contribute to society, and live an abundant life.

Love Someone

Love can be expressed in simple or subtle ways, such as a call to a friend, more patience with a partner, saying what you liked about a co–worker's idea, or seeing the being behind the eyes of a stranger passing on the sidewalk.

Recalibrate Your Work-Life Balance with These 4 Questions

For many of us, home and work hold nearly equal importance. We want to be great parents, attentive friends, and stellar employees simultaneously, so we're constantly on the move, trying not to let one facet of our lives suffer for another.

The Trip from Self to Less

As a meditation professional and passionate advocate of the practice, I am forever asking myself and students: Who Am I, Who Am I, Who Am I? This central question to most meditation lineages is one that is meant to evoke curiosity til the end of life and time.

Whole-Person Wellbeing

Learn more about a holistic approach to wellness and how your EAP benefit can improve your quality of life.

5 Tips for Bringing Happiness to Your Life

Read about tips to help you create a happier life.


This seminar will first provide a brief review of stress, what it is and how it affects us.

How to Achieve Your Exercise Goals

EAP Navigator

Learn tips on how to help you succeed with your fitness goals.


People can change their outlook on life in a positive way, which can change their quality of life.

Balancing Your Two Lives (Home and Work)

EAP Navigator

Among the essential ingredients of a balanced life are meaningful activity, physical and mental health, satisfying relationships and peace of mind. To achieve that balance, you must successfully juggle the demands of your work, personal life, family and relationships.

Encouraging Your Family To Exercise


It’s a disturbing fact that new research from the National Center for Health Statistics shows that nearly 5 million children ages 6 through 17 are severely overweight.


Volume 15, Issue 3

IN THIS ISSUE: 9/11 One Year Later, Walking, Personal Safety,Communication Skills, Flu Shot, Assessing Anger,How to Use Your EAP


Resource Articles

Resilience is the ability to adapt well in the face of adversity, trauma, tragedy or significant stress. Resilient people don't dwell on failures; they acknowledge the situation, learn from their mistakes, and then move forward. More Info
Title Date

Resiliency: How Resilient Are You?

Over 30 years of research into the inner nature of life's best survivors has created a clear understanding of human resiliency and how it develops. Highly resilient people show many similar qualities:

The Truth About the Stages of Grief

Grief is not a linear timeline, but instead a whirlpool of emotions, some of them reoccurring. Understanding the stages of grief can help manage the various emotions that come up.

How to be Mindful at Work

Mindfulness has become a popular subject, and for a good reason. It involves being aware of the present and keeping any distractions or self-defeating thoughts out of your head. Many who have tried mindfulness swear by its health benefits, from sleeping better to even reducing your risk of disease.


Learn more about resilience and access tools to help you become a more resilient person.

Optimize Your Energy to Increase Your Productivity

On this episode, professional organizer Debbie Rosemont discusses work life harmony and using the SAVERS acronym for getting into the correct mind set to start your day off right.

Strategies for Building Resilience

Resilience is the ability to adapt well in the face of adversity, trauma, tragedy or significant stress. Resilient people don't dwell on failures; they acknowledge the situation, learn from their mistakes, and then move forward.

Strategies for Building Resilience

EAP Navigator

Read about how you can build your resilience.

Building Personal Resilience

When illness, relocation, conflict, or any other hardships befall us, we often feel unprepared to make adjustments needed to “weather the storm.” Why are some of us more capable of adapting to sudden changes and misfortune than others?

Characteristics of Resiliency


We define resilience as the process of bouncing back from adversity. The concept is a paradox that encompasses the emotional distress and the enduring strength that can result from struggling with hardship.

Resiliency: Outcomes of Resiliency


We define survivor's pride as the well-deserved feeling of accomplishment that results from prevailing against hardship or adversity. It is a bittersweet mixture of pain and triumph that is usually under the surface, but is sometimes readily visible in many youth and adults who have overcome difficult circumstances.

8 Strategies for Building Resilience

EAP Navigator

Read about techniques on how to build your own resilience.


When illness, relocation, conflict, or any other hardship befalls us, we often feel unprepared to make adjustments needed to “weather the storm.”


People can change their outlook on life in a positive way, which can change their quality of life.

Do You Have a Healthy Attitude?

EAP Navigator

Read up on how a positive attitude, faith and good relationships with others can make you healthier.


Volume 14, Issue 1

IN THIS ISSUE: Parent's Best Goal, Identity Theft, Emotional Maturity, The Resilience Factor, You and Your Money, How to Use Your EAP
Title Date

Stress Management


1. Get up 15 minutes earlier in the morning. The inevitable morning mishap will be less stressful.

2. Prepare for the morning the evening before. Set the breakfast table, make lunches, put out the clothes you plan to wear, etc.

Stress and the Developing Brain


It is well known that the early months and years of life are critical for brain development. But the question remains: just how do early influences act on the brain to promote or challenge the developmental process?

Stress Hormone Levels in Women Reduced During Lactation


Women who breast-feed their infants produce lower levels of stress response hormones than do women who bottle-feed, according to research conducted by the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH).

Crisis Counseling

Canopy EAP is available 24 hours a day 365 days a year for crisis or non-crisis circumstances.

Beating Holiday Stress


The holidays really are the best of times and the worst of times. Our tidings of comfort and joy can so easily be devoured by the insatiable stress to do it all, be it all, and buy it all.

Coping With The Holiday Blues

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Coping with the Holiday Blues
The holidays are a time for tradition, for going home, and for sharing food, gifts, relaxation and good times with family and friends. At least, that's how we all expect the holidays to be.

How to Stay Positive in Life in Difficult Times

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How to Stay Positive in Life in Difficult Times
A negative outlook can set in whether it's caused by a stressful event, a job situation or by too much routine.

12 Ways to Keep The Holidays Stress Free

EAP Navigator

The anxiety of having too much to do in too little time, the pressure of unrealistic expectations and the tendency to overeat and overspend can easily overshadow holiday happiness.

Ability to Concentrate Isn’t What It Used to Be?

EAP Navigator

Concentration is vital in some professions. Even in our everyday lives, though, we all need to concentrate -- to avoid traffic accidents, to get the job finished, to remember important information.

Stress, Depression, and the Holidays

EAP Navigator

Stress and depression can ruin your holidays and hurt your health. Being realistic, planning ahead and seeking support can help ward off stress and depression.



In this Issue: Holiday Depression and Stress, Communication Tips for Home and Work, Heading off Holiday Havoc, and How to Use Your EAP.

Do You Have a Healthy Attitude?

EAP Navigator

Read up on how a positive attitude, faith and good relationships with others can make you healthier.

Start Some Healthful Holiday Traditions

EAP Navigator

Adopting some new traditions can help make your holidays less stressful and more healthy and happy.

How to Beat Serious Stress

EAP Navigator

Read about tips for managing a highly stressful event in your life.

Stress and the Holidays

EAP Navigator

Read about tips to help cope with holidays stress.

Holiday Stress Relief

Learn about the causes of holiday stress and ways to help you get through this time of year.

Don’t Let Anxiety Control Your Life

EAP Navigator

Anxiety is familiar to everyone due to the many stresses and complexities of modern life. But about 25 percent of US adults have a serious problem with anxiety at some time in their lives.

10 Ways to Reduce Stress While at Work

EAP Navigator

Learn about healthy ways to de-stress while at work.

Stress Management

Canopy EAP can help you with managing your stress.

5 Tips to Reduce Your Financial Stress

EAP Navigator

Read about tips on reducing your financial stress and how Canopy can help...

West Coast Fires

We understand that you and many of your employees have likely been impacted by recent wildfires. We know that following a traumatic event such as this that people may benefit from additional support available through the EAP. More Info

Coping with Violence and Racism

Canopy is committed to creating a safe, inclusive and equitable society for all. We encourage you to practice self-care by seeking support from your friends, family and other community members, as well as utilizing your EAP services. More Info
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Coping with Grief

Many of us have experienced the death of a co-worker, close friend or family member. Yet, when such a loss occurs, we often feel overwhelmed with grief at many levels.

Respect in the Workplace

Recognizing that there can be differences in personal beliefs and political views among teammates, it may be useful to review the importance of professionalism and a respectful workplace.

Talking About Race in the Workplace

Having conversations about race can be extremely challenging, and requires a willingness, especially among White coworkers and managers. Learn about why it's crucial, why it's difficult, and how to have productive conversations.

Suicide and Mental Health Awareness

The key to lowering the suicide rate is prevention, which includes education, stigma reduction, and improving support resources for those who are at risk.

What are Common Reactions to Trauma?

All kinds of trauma survivors commonly experience stress reactions. This is true for veterans, children, and disaster rescue or relief workers. If you understand what is happening when you or someone you know reacts to a traumatic event, you may be less fearful and better able to handle things.

Standing Together During Difficult Times

Although the degree to which we are impacted by racial injustices may vary, one thing we can all do is empathize with and support one another, and help to stabilize people through troubling times.

Trauma - Tips for Coping

How people respond to trauma varies somewhat from person to person. Individual factors such as how you usually handle stressful situations and what kind of support you have both at work and in your personal life may influence both your short-term and long-term reactions.

Surviving & Resisting Hate: A Toolkit for People of Color

A toolkit for People of Color